Evbox Careplans


ClientDaxflex / Cluj-Napoca România
THE PROJECTLanding Page Design / 2023
  • Art Direction
  • Storyboarding
  • Cinematography
  • Modeling
  • Texturing
  • Animation
  • Lightning
  • Camera
  • Editing
  • Sound Design

For EVBox Care Plans, our latest video explains how to maintain your EVBox charging stations. Together with their team we zeroed in on what matters: achieving peak performance of EV infrastructure.

Our process kicked off with solid art direction, mapping out each frame to make sure we're hitting the key points. Storyboarding was next, setting the stage for how we'd showcase the Care Plans' story (this was not an easy step). Then, our animation team took the wheel. Modeling and texturing each element to ensure the video was as informative as it was visually appealing. We focused on illustrating the technical aspects of EVBox's support and maintenance, making it accessible and engaging. By the end of this video, viewers didn’t just understand what EVBox Care Plans offer, but understood their importance. So, our job here was done!